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Should I Visit a Chiropractor for My Migraines?

Written By Taschler Spine & Rehab on November 26, 2022

man with migraine

If your migraines are affecting your life to the point that you can’t eat, sleep, work, exercise, or spend time with family and friends, it’s time to seek migraine treatment in Fairfax. If you’re interested in safe, effective, and non-invasive migraine treatment, Dr. Jennifer Lee Taschler, D.C. here at Taschler Spine and Rehab can help you find relief. 

Determining the Cause of Your Migraines

The first thing Dr. Taschler will do when you visit her for migraine treatment is to try to determine the cause of your migraines. She will do a physical exam, take your health history, and ask you certain questions about your migraines to uncover your migraine triggers. Common migraine triggers are:

  • Diet, food allergies, or food sensitivities
  • Hormonal changes
  • Reactions to medications
  • Side effects of illness
  • Alcohol or alcohol withdrawal
  • Medication or drug withdrawal
  • Caffeine or caffeine withdrawal
  • Environmental (light, noise, temperature)
  • Weather induced

Developing a Migraine Treatment Plan

Once Dr. Taschler has a sense of your migraine triggers, she can treat the cause and the symptoms. She’ll work closely with you to develop a migraine treatment plan that addresses your symptoms and lifestyle. Chiropractic migraine treatments don’t rely on the use of prescription medication or invasive treatments. Instead, we may recommend a combination of safe, holistic treatments like massage therapy, acupuncture, exercise, dietary changes, chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic ultrasound, or laser therapy. 

Changing Your Home and Work Environment to Prevent Migraines

Dr. Taschler may also recommend that you make some changes to your lifestyle or home and work environments to prevent migraines from recurring. These changes will depend on the migraine triggers she has identified. You may need diet and nutrition counseling, for instance, so that you can avoid foods to which you are sensitive. You may also want to make changes in your environment to prevent bright lights, sounds, smells, or other migraine triggers. Dr. Taschler may also recommend that you stop drinking alcohol, exercise more, and drink more water.

If You Need Migraine Treatment in Fairfax, Call Us Today

If you’re ready to learn more about your options for safe, effective migraine treatment in Fairfax, come see us at Taschler Spine and Rehab. We can help you uncover the cause of your migraines and design a migraine treatment plan that works for you.

To learn more, call us today at (703) 293-2939 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Headache Treatment Migraine Treatment